Pedepsiți prin recompense

Pret: 49.00 RON
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Alfie Kohn

Pedepsiți prin recompense

Anul aparitiei: 2014

Strategia noastră fundamentală pentru creșterea copiilor, procesul de învățare al elevilor și conducerea angajaților se poate rezuma în doar cinci cuvinte: Fă așa și primești asta. Ademenim oamenii cu o bucată de zăhărel (de la dulciuri până la comisioanele din vânzări) într-un mod foarte similar celui în care am dresa un animal de casă. În această carte deschizătoare de drumuri, Alfie Kohn ne arată că, deși manipularea prin stimulente a oamenilor pare să aibă succes pe termen scurt, aceasta reprezintă o strategie care până la urmă eșuează, iar efectele sale nocive persistă un timp îndelungat. Locurile noastre de muncă și sălile de clasă vor continua să decadă, argumentează autorul, până când vom pune sub semnul întrebării încrederea noastră într-o teorie a motivației derivată din experimente făcute pe animale de laborator. Extrăgând informații din sute de studii, Kohn demonstrează că oamenii chiar au rezultate mai slabe atunci când sunt momiți cu bani, note sau alte stimulente. Dacă le promitem bunuri copiilor pentru a se comporta cum se cuvine, nu obținem nimic mai mult decât o obediență temporară. Cu cât ...


The Maze Runner Series

Pret: 165.00 RON
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Dashner, James

The Maze Runner Series

Praise for the Maze Runner series: A "New York Times" Bestseller A "USA Today" Bestseller A Book Sense Bestseller An Indie Next List Selection A "Kirkus Reviews" Best Teen Book of the Year An ALA-YASLA Best Fiction for Young Adults Book An ALA-YALSA Quick Pick "[A] mysterious survival saga that passionate fans describe as a fusion of "Lord of the Flies", "The Hunger Games", and "Lost"." "Wonderful action writing--fast-paced...but smart and well observed."--"Newsday" "[A] nail-biting must-read." "Breathless, cinematic action."--"Publishers Weekly" "Heart pounding to the very last moment."--"Kirkus Reviews" "Exclamation-worthy."--"Romantic Times" * "James Dashner's illuminating prequel ["The Kill Order"] will thrill fans of this Maze Runner [series] and prove just as exciting for readers new to the series."--"Shelf Awareness", Starred "Take a deep breath before you start any James Dashner book."--"Deseret News"


Death & Co: Modern Classic Cocktails, with More

Pret: 149.00 RON
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Kaplan, David

Death & Co: Modern Classic Cocktails, with More Than 500 Recipes

Anul aparitiei: 2014

The definitive guide to the contemporary craft cocktail movement, from one of the highest-profile, most critically lauded, and influential bars in the world. Death & Co is the most important, influential, and oft-imitated bar to emerge from the contemporary craft cocktail movement. Since its opening in 2006, Death & Co has been a must-visit destination for serious drinkers and cocktail enthusiasts, and the winner of every major industry award--including America's Best Cocktail Bar and Best Cocktail Menu at the Tales of the Cocktail convention. Boasting a supremely talented and creative bar staff--the best in the industry--Death & Co is also the birthplace of some of the modern era's most iconic drinks, such as the Oaxaca Old-Fashioned, Naked and Famous, and the Conference. Destined to become a definitive reference on craft cocktails, Death & Co features more than 500 of the bar's most innovative and sought-after cocktails. But more than just a collection of recipes, Death & Co is also a complete cocktail education, with information on the theory and philosophy of drink making, a complete guide to buying and using spirits, and step-by-step instructions for mastering key ...


Regi, razboaie si cocote

Pret: 44.90 RON
Pret: 40,41 RON
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Cristoph Schulte-Richtering

Regi, razboaie si cocote

Editura: Baroque

Anul aparitiei: 2013

Fapte şi date, date şi fapte, inteligent şi adorabil ambalate. Atenţionare: consumul de umor nu dăunează istoriei! Abilă până la magnific şi comică până la sublim, istoria lumii în 44 de capitole, scurte şi nonconformiste: de la cruciade la criza financiară, de la Leonardo da Vinci şi Machiavelli la Marco Polo şi Wagner, Gutenberg şi Shakespeare. Indiferent dacă e vorba de Carol cel Mare, de Carol Quintul sau de Carol Gândacul, cartea explică într-un registru tranşant, dar universal valabil, de ce omenirea arată aşa cum o cunoaştem noi astăzi: altfel, ce-ar mai fi fost Hollywoodul fără Troia, fără Roma antică şi fără Robin Hood?!


Harry Potter Boxed Set

Pret: 584.00 RON
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J. K. Rowling

Harry Potter Boxed Set

Editura: Arthur A. Levine Books

Anul aparitiei: 2009

Now for the first time ever, J.K. Rowling\u2019s seven bestselling Harry Potter books are available in a stunning paperback boxed set! The Harry Potter series has been hailed as \u201cone for the ages\u201d by Stephen King and \u201ca spellbinding saga\u2019 by USA Today. And most recently, The New York Times called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows the \u201cfastest selling book in history.\u201d This is the ultimate Harry Potter collection for Harry Potter fans of all ages!;Now for the first time ever, J.K. Rowling"s seven bestselling Harry Potter books are available in a stunning paperback boxed set! The Harry Potter series has been hailed as "one for the ages" by Stephen King and "a spellbinding saga" by USA Today. And most recently, The New York Times called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows the "fastest selling book in history." This is the ultimate Harry Potter collection for Harry Potter fans of all ages!


Peter Reinhart's Artisan Breads Every Day: Fast

Pret: 196.00 RON
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Peter Reinhart

Peter Reinhart's Artisan Breads Every Day: Fast and Easy Recipes for World-Class Breads

Editura: Ten Speed Press

Anul aparitiei: 2009

The renowned baking instructor distills professional techniques down to the basics, delivering artisan bread recipes that anyone with flour and a fridge can bake with ease. Reinhart begins with the simplest French bread, then moves on to familiar classics such as ciabatta, pizza dough, and soft sandwich loaves, and concludes with fresh specialty items like pretzels, crackers, croissants, and bagels. Each recipe is broken into "Do Ahead" and "On Baking Day" sections, making every step--from preparation through pulling pans from the oven--a breeze, whether you bought your loaf pan yesterday or decades ago. These doughs are engineered to work flawlessly for busy home bakers: most require only a straightforward mixing and overnight fermentation. The result is reliably superior flavor and texture on par with loaves from world-class artisan bakeries, all with little hands-on time. America's favorite baking instructor and innovator Peter Reinhart offers time-saving techniques accompanied by full-color, step-by-step photos throughout so that in no time you'll be producing fresh batches of Sourdough Baguettes, 50% and 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Loaves, Soft and Crusty Cheese Bread, English ...


Care pe care. Femei si barbati

Pret: 30.00 RON
Pret: 24,00 RON
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Aurora Liiceanu si Alice Nastase

Care pe care. Femei si barbati

Editura: Tango

Anul aparitiei: 2014

Stilul rece, lucid, stiintific si viziunea limpede despre relatii si cupluri a reputatului psiholog Aurora Liiceanu sunt juxtapuse manierei romantice, metaforice de a scrie despre iubire a lui Alice Nastase. Aflate in cautarea reaspunsurilor la intrebarile esentiale legate de iubire, autoarele dezbat problemele cuplului si a sentimentelor greu incercate intr-o lume grabita si mercantila, in care barbatii si femeile uita adesea sa fie aliati, ci se situeaza in tabere adverse.


Getting to Know Web GIS

Pret: 319.00 RON
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Fu, Pinde

Getting to Know Web GIS

Table of Contents: Preface Acknowledgments 1. Start with the cloud: Build applications using ArcGIS Online 2. More on ArcGIS Online layers, maps, and apps 3. Map services and time animation 4. Tiled map services and comparison web apps 5. Feature services and Volunteered Geographic Information 6. ArcGIS WebApp Builder 7. Spatial Analytics online and geoprocessing services 8. Getting started with ArcGIS API for Javascript 9. Mobile GIS 10. 3D Web Scenes Appendix A Image Credits Appendix B Data Credits Appendix C Server Data Credits Index Publisher Marketing: Getting to Know Web GIS, a workbook with detailed, step-by-step exercises, teaches readers how to share resources online and build web GIS applications easily and quickly. It covers Esri s suite of web GIS technologies including ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS for Server, web app templates, WebApp Builder, API for JavaScript, mobile GIS apps, mobile SDKs, CityEngine, and 3D web maps. Holistic Approach: Unlike books that focus on individual products, this book teaches web GIS technologies as a holistic platform. Each chapter completes an application project using multiple products from server side to browser/client side. Easy to ...


Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation

Pret: 69.00 RON
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Luttrell, Marcus

Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10 - 2013

Anul aparitiei: 2013

On a clear night in late June 2005, four U.S. Navy SEALs left their base in northern Afghanistan for the mountainous Pakistani border. Their mission was to capture or kill a notorious al Qaeda leader known to be ensconced in a Taliban stronghold surrounded by a small but heavily armed force. Less then twenty-four hours later, only one of those Navy SEALs remained alive. This is the story of fire team leader Marcus Luttrell, the sole survivor of Operation Redwing, and the desperate battle in the mountains that led, ultimately, to the largest loss of life in Navy SEAL history--From publisher description. Publisher Marketing: Four US Navy SEALS departed one clear night in early July, 2005 for the mountainous Afghanistan-Pakistan border for a reconnaissance mission. Their task was to document the activity of an al Qaeda leader rumored to be very close to Bin Laden with a small army in a Taliban stronghold. Five days later, only one of those Navy SEALS made it out alive. This is the story of the only survivor of Operation Redwing, SEAL fire team leader Marcus Luttrell, and the extraordinary firefight that led to the largest loss of life in American Navy SEAL history. His ...


Fia Foundations of Accountant in Business Fab

Pret: 214.00 RON
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Bpp, Learning Media

Fia Foundations of Accountant in Business Fab (Acca F1): Paper F1: Study Text ( Acca Study Text, Paper F1 )

Anul aparitiei: 2013

Foundations in Accountancy (FIA) awards are entry-level, core-skill focused qualifications from ACCA. They provide flexible options for students and employers, and as the sole Platinum Approved provider of ACCA content, BPP Learning Media's study materials are tailored to the exams students will take.


Copilul tau cum se joaca?

Pret: 20.00 RON
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Sophie Marinopoulos

Copilul tau cum se joaca?

Sophie Marinopoulos a inventat o metoda pentru a-i ajuta pe parinti sa-si inteleaga mai bine copilul si sa se asigure de echilibrul si de evolutia psihologico-emotionala a acestuia. Cum asa? Observandu-l cum se joaca! Copilul se joaca cu gurita la patru luni pentru a-si dezvolta curiozitatea; la 12 luni se joaca de-a „cucu bau“ pentru a invata sa se separe de celalalt; se joaca de-a incalcarea regulilor la doi ani pentru a intelege mai bine regulile impuse de parinti; se joaca de-a v-ati ascunselea la trei ani pentru a-si invinge teama de a fi despartit de mama; se deghizeaza la patru ani pentru a-si impune personalitatea; jocurile cu roluri de la cinci ani ii vor stimula imaginatia; povestile de la sase ani ii vor dezvolta limbajul, ceea ce este absolut necesar pentru relatiile sociale; jocurile de societate de la sapte ani sunt ocazia unor confruntari cu parintii si cu ceilalti... Jocurile sugarului si ale copilului mic reprezinta baza pentru dezvoltarea sentimentului de securitate, pentru o viata emotionala echilibrata, pentru formarea deprinderilor intelectuale ce vor fi exersate in anii de scoala.


Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and

Pret: 98.00 RON
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Sinek, Simon

Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't

Anul aparitiei: 2014

The New York Times bestseller by the acclaimed, bestselling author of Start With Why and Together is Better. Now with an expanded chapter and appendix on leading millennials, based on Simon Sinek's viral video "Millenials in the workplace" (150+ million views).Imagine a world where almost everyone wakes up inspired to go to work, feels trusted and valued during the day, then returns home feeling fulfilled. This is not a crazy, idealized notion. Today, in many successful organizations, great leaders create environments in which people naturally work together to do remarkable things. In his work with organizations around the world, Simon Sinek noticed that some teams trust each other so deeply that they would literally put their lives on the line for each other. Other teams, no matter what incentives are offered, are doomed to infighting, fragmentation and failure. Why? The answer became clear during a conversation with a Marine Corps general. "Officers eat last," he said. Sinek watched as the most junior Marines ate first while the most senior Marines took their place at the back of the line. What's symbolic in the chow hall is deadly serious on the battlefield: Great leaders ...


Essential Elements for Brand Identity: 100

Pret: 119.00 RON
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Budelmann, Kevin (Author), Kim, Yang (Author), Wozniak, Curt (Author)

Essential Elements for Brand Identity: 100 Principles for Designing Logos and Building Brands ( Essential Design Handbooks )

Editura: Rockport Publishers

Anul aparitiei: 2013

Design terms are often used inconsistently - or just as bad, interchangeably. This leads to confusion for designers as well as clients. New in paperback, Essential Elements for Brand Identity lays a foundation for brand building, defining the tools and building blocks, and illustrating the construction of strong brands through examples of world-class design. It is a one-stop reference for connecting visual design elements for logos to branding concepts, and demonstrates core identity design principles through clear organization and a variety of sources and examples. Through a cohesive structure that explores broader concepts in relation to graphic identities, identity programs, and brand identities, Essential Elements for Brand Identity links formal design concerns with business issues. Design students and seasoned brand managers alike will appreciate the pragmatic relevance of its content and be inspired by the representative body of work collected and presented throughout the book.


Cultura Ciupercilor PLEUROTUS

Pret: 22.00 RON
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Dr. ing. Ioana Tudor

Cultura Ciupercilor PLEUROTUS

Anul aparitiei: 2010

Structurata pe parcursul a 7 capitole, prezenta lucrare este o monografie a culturii ciupercilor Pleurotus spp. in tara noastra, cu actualizare la zi, ce va raspunde problemelor cultivatorilor cu suprafete restranse, in sistem clasic sau celor cu ciupercarii intensive.


The Caterpillar Way: Lessons in Leadership,

Pret: 119.00 RON
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Bouchard, Craig

The Caterpillar Way: Lessons in Leadership, Growth, and Shareholder Value

Anul aparitiei: 2013

THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER! How one tenacious company found the drive to succeed--on a global scale In the early 1980s, Caterpillar, Inc. lost one million dollars per day for three consecutive years. Its continuing existence came into question. Today, "CAT" is the world's most profitable manufacturer of construction and mining equipment and large engines. The now legendary global company made numerous well-calculated, though risky decisions for three consecutive decades--in the process scaling to heights unimaginable to even the finest business enterprises. How did they do it? The Caterpillar Way. Senior management at CAT facilitated the authors' one-year odyssey through the hallways and intriguing history of the construction industry giant. This inspiring book takes you behind the scenes with the CEOs, executive vice presidents, managers, dealers, customers, union bosses, and Wall Street analysts who were players in Caterpillar's drive to global dominance. You'll discover: CAT's change-or-die approach to restructuring How a local firm from central Illinois became a local firm on a global basis The secret behind Caterpillar's decades-long revenue explosion How to use branding ...


David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art

Pret: 98.00 RON
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Gladwell, Malcolm

David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

Anul aparitiei: 2013

Explore the power of the underdog in Malcolm Gladwell's dazzling examination of success, motivation, and the role of adversity in shaping our lives, from the bestselling author of The Bomber Mafia. Three thousand years ago on a battlefield in ancient Palestine, a shepherd boy felled a mighty warrior with nothing more than a stone and a sling, and ever since then the names of David and Goliath have stood for battles between underdogs and giants. David's victory was improbable and miraculous. He shouldn't have won. Or should he have? In David and Goliath, Malcolm Gladwellchallenges how we think about obstacles and disadvantages, offering a new interpretation of what it means to be discriminated against, or cope with a disability, or lose a parent, or attend a mediocre school, or suffer from any number of other apparent setbacks. Gladwell begins with the real story of what happened between the giant and the shepherd boy those many years ago. From there, David and Goliath examines Northern Ireland's Troubles, the minds of cancer researchers and civil rights leaders, murder and the high costs of revenge, and the dynamics of successful and unsuccessful classrooms--all to demonstrate how ...


Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China

Pret: 98.00 RON
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Vogel, Ezra F

Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China

Anul aparitiei: 2013

Winner of the Lionel Gelber PrizeNational Book Critics Circle Award Finalist An Economist Best Book of the Year A Financial Times Book of the Year A Wall Street Journal Book of the Year A Washington Post Book of the Year A Bloomberg News Book of the Year An Esquire China Book of the Year A Gates Notes Top Read of the Year Perhaps no one in the twentieth century had a greater long-term impact on world history than Deng Xiaoping. And no scholar of contemporary East Asian history and culture is better qualified than Ezra Vogel to disentangle the many contradictions embodied in the life and legacy of China's boldest strategist. Once described by Mao Zedong as a "needle inside a ball of cotton," Deng was the pragmatic yet disciplined driving force behind China's radical transformation in the late twentieth century. He confronted the damage wrought by the Cultural Revolution, dissolved Mao's cult of personality, and loosened the economic and social policies that had stunted China's growth. Obsessed with modernization and technology, Deng opened trade relations with the West, which lifted hundreds of millions of his countrymen out of poverty. Yet at the same time he answered to his ...


Hieronymus Bosch: The Complete Works

Pret: 529.00 RON
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Fischer, Stefan

Hieronymus Bosch: The Complete Works

Editura: Taschen

Anul aparitiei: 2014

In the midst of the realist-leaning artistic climate of the Late Gothic and Early Renaissance, Netherlandish painter Hieronymus Bosch (c. 1450-1516) was more than an anomaly. Bosch's paintings are populated with grotesque scenes of fantastical creatures succumbing to all manner of human desire, fantasy, and angst. One of his greatest inventions was to take the figural and scenic representations known as drolleries, which use the monstrous and the grotesque to illustrate sin and evil, and to transfer them from the marginalia of illuminated manuscripts into large-format panel paintings. Alongside traditional hybrids of man and beast, such as centaurs, and mythological creatures such as unicorns, devils, dragons, and griffins, we also encounter countless mixed creatures freely invented by the artist. Many subsidiary scenes illustrate proverbs and figures of speech in common use in Bosch's day. In his Temptation of St Anthony triptych, for example, the artist shows a messenger devil wearing ice skates, evoking the popular expression that the world was "skating on ice"--meaning it had gone astray. In his pictorial translation of proverbs, in particular, Bosch was very much an innovator. ...


Fia Foundations of Accountant in Business Fab

Pret: 122.00 RON
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Bpp, Learning Media

Fia Foundations of Accountant in Business Fab (Acca F1): Revision Kit ( Acca Revision Kit, Paper F1 )

Anul aparitiei: 2013

Foundations in Accountancy (FIA) awards are entry-level, core-skill focused qualifications from ACCA. They provide flexible options for students and employers, and as the sole Platinum Approved provider of ACCA content, BPP Learning Media's study materials are tailored to the exams students will take


Energy Oracle Cards: A 53-Card Deck and Guidebook

Pret: 86.00 RON
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Taylor, Sandra Anne

Energy Oracle Cards: A 53-Card Deck and Guidebook

Anul aparitiei: 2014

The Energy Oracle Cards are designed to reveal both the present energy you project and the results you are likely to attract. The unlimited power of your own consciousness is a vital force that moves through the Universe and plants the seeds of your destiny far and wide. These easy-to-use cards will help you to understand what your consciousness is creating, as well as reveal any hidden blocks that may be delaying your progress. The information they bring will empower and inspire you, for it comes from heavenly messengers, friends from the spirit realm, and your own higher self. All that you need is available to you, so let your intuition soar. Listen to the messages it brings and take your life to wonderful new heights!

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