Descriere: The Student Activities Manual provides complete coordination with the structure and approach of the "Percorsi "textand offers an ample variety of written and listening activities correlated to the topics and grammar components presented in each of the textbook chapters. The traditional workbook exercises provide meaningful practice of the vocabulary and grammar structures introduced in each chapter, as well as practice in reading comprehension and writing skills. The audio exercises are integrated within each chapter and provide listening practice based on authentic speech and real-life situations. The video activities, also integrated within each chapter, complement the activities in the "Guardiamo" section of the textbook. These exercises offer students the ability to expand their understanding of the plot of the video segments while making connections between their own lives and the lives of the characters.
Autori: Francesca Italiano, Irene Marchegiani, Cecilia Boggio | Editura: Prentice Hall | Anul aparitiei: 2007 | ISBN: 9780131546530 | Numar de pagini: 272 | Categorie: Supplementals
Joel Colton, Lloyd Kramer, R. R. Palmer
AP Achiever (Advanced Placement* Exam Preparation Guide) for European History (College Test Prep)
Designed to help Advanced Placement students succeed in their studies and achieve a '5' on the AP Exam, AP Achiever for European History provides: A thorough explanation of course expectations, exam parameters, preparation suggestions, as well as comprehensive tips on writing essays for the document-based and free-response section of the Exam, all to help your students maximize studies and time. Each chapter includes a thorough content review and "Heads Up " and "Sidebar" sections designed to connect important topics, clarify common misunderstandings, or add important information to assist in preparation for the exam. This book covers standard political, diplomatic, economic, and intellectual trends, but also makes a special effort to incorporate essential social and cultural history that is increasingly emphasized on the exam. Multiple-choice, document-based questions and free-response questions with detailed answers are included for each chapter. Two complete timed practice exams with detailed answers and sample essays help students gear up for your final test day. AP Achiever for European History may be used independently or in conjunction with any European History text. For ...
Linda Lee, Bernard Jean, Lee Linda
All-Star - Book 2 (High Beginning) - Workbook
"All-Star" is a four-level, "standards-based" series for adult English learners featuring a picture-dictionary approach to vocabulary building. "Big picture" scenes in each unit provide springboards to a wealth of activities that develop all the language skills. An accessible, step-by-step sequence of lessons in each unit systemically builds language and math skills around life-skill topics. The series presents a family, work, or community application in each unit, and provides two alternate lesson applications in each of the "All Star" Workbooks. This workbook is designed to accompany the high beginning level student book.