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Cynthia Newby
From Patient to Payment: Insurance Procedures for the Medical Office [With CDROM]
Editura: McGraw-Hill Higher Education
Anul aparitiei: 2006
From Patient to Payment: Insurance Procedures for the Medical Office, provides a practical, focused overview of medical insurance and billing. Each chapter is structured to give students a hands-on, practical approach to understanding and working with claims, both paper and electronic, and the medical billing process. This text is precisely tailored for a brief introduction, as the fundamental understanding of coding and claim filing principles is the goal. Incorporated are the latest HIPAA forms and regulations, medical coding, and electronic claims in a clear and focused program. It equips students with the basics of preparing correct health care claims, and provides a brief introduction to Medisoft Advanced v.11 software, which can be used to complete claims.
Michael Boles, Yunus A. Cengel
Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach [With Student Resource DVD]
Editura: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math
Susan M. Sanderson
Introduction to Help Desk Concepts and Skills [With CDROM]
Editura: McGraw-Hill Companies
Anul aparitiei: 2003
@lt;p@gt;Essential IT Skills for On-the-Job Success@lt;/p@gt;@lt;p@gt;Mike Meyers, one of the premier computer and network skills trainers, has developed a learning system designed to teach key IT principles in an easy-to-understand style that will prepare you for an IT career. His proven ability to explain concepts in a clear, direct way makes these books interesting, motivational, and fun.@lt;/p@gt;@lt;p@gt;Inside this book, you will learn to: @lt;/p@gt;@lt;ul@gt;@lt;li@gt;Identify the components of a successful help desk @lt;li@gt;Understand the six steps required to process a call @lt;li@gt;Accurately document calls @lt;li@gt;Determine the root cause of a problem and evaluate possible solutions @lt;li@gt;Understand how computer telephony integration (CTI) functions @lt;li@gt;Use performance management methods @lt;li@gt;Integrate asset management and security policies with technical support @lt;li@gt;Learn effective communication skills to deal with a variety of situations and users @lt;/ul@gt;@lt;p@gt;CD-ROM features: @lt;/p@gt;@lt;ul@gt;@lt;li@gt;Learning edition of HelpSTAR software for hands-on experience with Help Desk best practices @lt;li@gt;Audio recordings of sample ...
Brown, Bursten, Lemay
Chemistry: The Central Science [With Access Code]
Editura: Prentice Hall
Anul aparitiei: 2009
Expert authors, scientific accuracy, and clarity from eleven editions of experience have made "Chemistry: The Central Science "the most trusted book available. The authors continue to find new ways to help you understand general chemistry-not only inside the text but with MasteringChemistry(R), the most advanced online tutorial and assessment program available. Used by over a million science students, the Mastering platform is the most effective and widely used online tutorial, homework, and assessment system for the sciences. Pearson eText gives students access to the text whenever and wherever they can access the Internet. The eText pages look exactly like the printed text, and include powerful interactive and customization functions. Package contains: Brown et al., Chemistry: The Central Science, Eleventh EditionMasteringChemistry(R) with Pearson eText Student Access Kit
John C. Hull
Options, Futures and Other Derivatives [With CDROM and Student Solutions Manual]
Editura: Prentice Hall PTR
0135052831 / 9780135052839 Options, Futures & Other Derivatives with Derivagem CD Value Package (includes Student Solutions Manual for Options, Futuresd Other Derivatives) Package consists of: 0136015867 / 9780136015864 Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives with Derivagem CD 0136015891 / 9780136015895 Student Solutions Manual for Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives
John V. Thill, Courtland L. Bovee
Business Communication Today Student Value Edition [With Access Code]
Editura: Pearson Custom Publishing
Allyn J. Washington
Basic Technical Mathematics with Calculus [With Mymathlab]
Anul aparitiei: 2008
James M. Henslin
Essentials of Sociology: A Down-To-Earth Approach [With Access Code]
Editura: Allyn & Bacon
Student: Study Smarter! Need Additional Help Studying? Use these great tools to help you get a better grade! 1. Study Guide study and test-taking tips chapter summaries learning objectives key terms and people practice tests with answer key PowerPoint lecture outlines Check with your bookstore or order online ( Ordering ISBN: 0-205-57892-6 2. MySocLab ( "MySocLab" is an online resource that combines text, video, audio, animations, and other kinds of multimedia to make learning sociology fun. It includes: a complete e-book version of the text self-scoring practice tests individualized study plan video, audio, and Web activities data analysis and map exercises "Sociology in the News" a tutorial on "Writing About Sociology" ...and more! Access code required. Access codes are included with some new copies of the text at your instructor's request; or order online ( Ordering ISBNs: "MySocLab" Access Code Card --Website version: 0-205-67252-3 (Available to anyone for individual use. No course ID required to register.) "MySocLab" Access Code Card--"Pegasus" version: 0-205-67254-X (Select this version if your ...
Sociology: A Down-To-Earth Approach [With Access Code]
Editura: Pearson Education
Anul aparitiei: 2010
Karen C. Timberlake
Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry [With Access Code]
Geoffrey Akst, Sadie Bragg
Introductory and Intermediate Algebra Through Applications [With Access Code]
Elayn Martin-Gay
Developmental Mathematics Value Package (Includes Mymathlab/Mystatlab Student Access Kit)
Editura: Addison Wesley Longman
Tsitsi Dangarembga
Nervous Conditions: And Related Readings
Editura: Holt McDougal
MacMillan/McGraw-Hill (Author)
Math Connects, Kindergarten, Real-World Problem Solving Readers Package (Sheltered English)
Real-World Problem Solving Readers deliver multi-leveled mathematics real-world problem solving cont
Math Connects, Grade 1, Real-World Problem Solving Readers Package (Sheltered English)
Math Connects, Grade 2, Real-World Problem Solving Readers Package (Sheltered English)
Math Connects, Grade 3, Real-World Problem Solving Readers Package (Sheltered English)
Math Connects, Grade 4, Real-World Problem Solving Readers Package (Sheltered English)
Math Connects, Grade 5, Real-World Problem Solving Readers Package (Sheltered English)
MacMillan/McGraw-Hill (Manufactured by)
Communities, Student Practice and Activity Workbook
Anul aparitiei: 2007
Opportunities to practice for mastery of core skills.