Carti alvin toffler

iBrain: Surviving the Technological Alteration of

Pret: 142.00 RON
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Gary Small, Gigi Vorgan

iBrain: Surviving the Technological Alteration of the Modern Mind

Editura: Harper Paperbacks

Anul aparitiei: 2009

"A book about your brain that should make you think--twice." --Alvin Toffler, New York Times bestselling author of Future Shock In his book iBrain: Surviving the Technological Alteration of the Modern Mind, Gary Small, one of America's leading neuroscientists, explores the remarkable evolution of the human brain caused by today's constant technological presence. Co-written with Gigi Vorgan, Dr. Small's iBrain separates the digital natives from the digital immigrants, and suggests that the Internet--with its virtually limitless wealth of news and information--is radically altering the way young minds are developing and functioning. In this era of Google, Facebook, and YouTube, Gary Small's iBrain is an essentially important guide to understanding the astonishing impact of this new brain evolution on our society and our future, as well as a warning of its potential dangers--ADD, social isolation, Internet addiction, etc.


The Goalkeeper. the Nabokov Almanac

Pret: 1160.00 RON
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The Goalkeeper. the Nabokov Almanac

Editura: Academic Studies Press

Anul aparitiei: 2010

The Goalkeeperis a new scholarly almanac devoted to the art of Vladimir Nabokov. Himself an ardent goalkeeper, the author of Lolita viewed soccer as more than a game: "I was less the keeper of a soccer goal than the keeper of a secret" (Speak, Memory). The inaugural collection features contributions from two dozen leading Nabokov scholars worldwide, including academic articles (Neil Cornwell, Gerard de Vries, Samuel Schuman, and others); roundtable discussions (Brian Boyd, Jeff Edmunds, Priscilla Meyer, David Rampton, Leona Toker); interviews (Dmitri Nabokov, Alvin Toffler); archival materials; the Kyoto Nabokov conference report; and book reviews (Pekka Tammi, Zoran Kuzmanovich, Galya Diment). The Nabokov Almanac, edited by Yuri Leving, is affiliated with the Nabokov Online Journal, published since 2007.


The Great Thoughts

Pret: 201.00 RON
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George Seldes

The Great Thoughts

Editura: Ballantine Books

Anul aparitiei: 1996

Upon its publication, George Seldes's The Great Thoughts instantly took its place as a classic--a treasure house of the seminal ideas that have shaped the intellectual history of the world down through the ages. Seldes, a pivotal figure in the history of American journalism and a tireless researcher, spent the better part of his extraordinary lifetime compiling the thoughts that rule the world, casting his net widely and wisely through the essential works of philosophy, poetry, psychology, economics, politics, memoirs, and letters from the ancient Greeks to the modern Americans. Now Seldes's splendid and important work has been revised and updated to include the great thoughts that have changed our world in the decade since the book's first appearance. Quotations from leaders as varied as Nelson Mandela, Lech Walesa, Yitzak Rabin, Newt Gingrich, and Jesse Jackson reflect the radical shifts in the world political scene. Toni Morrison and Cornel West speak out on the enduring vitality of African-American culture. Alvin Toffler and Arthur C. Clarke give us a glimpse into the future. Gloria Steinem and Monique Wittig define the motives and the goals of late twentieth-century feminism. ...


Revolutionary Wealth: How It Will Be Created and

Pret: 166.00 RON
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Heidi Toffler, Alvin Toffler

Revolutionary Wealth: How It Will Be Created and How It Will Change Our Lives

Editura: Broadway Business

Anul aparitiei: 2007

Since the mid-1960s, Alvin and Heidi Toffler have predicted the far-reaching impact of emerging technological, economic, and social developments on our businesses, governments, families, and daily lives. In REVOLUTIONARY WEALTH, they once again demonstrate their unparalleled ability to illuminate current trends and anticipate what they mean for the future. REVOLUTIONARY WEALTH focuses on how wealth will be created--and who will get it--in the twenty-first century. As the knowledge-based economy (a reality the Tofflers predicted forty years ago) continues to replace the industrial-based economy, they argue, money is no longer the sole determinate of wealth. The Tofflers explain that we are becoming a nation of "prosumers," consuming what we ourselves produce, and argue that we have all taken on "third jobs"--work we unwittingly do without pay for some of the biggest corporations in the country. Using fascinating examples from our daily lives, they illustrate how our everyday activities--from parenting and volunteering to blogging, painting our houses, and improving our diets--contribute to a non-monetary economy that is largely hidden from economists. Writing with the same insight ...


The Third Wave: The Classic Study of Tomorrow

Pret: 86.00 RON
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Alvin Toffler, Toffler

The Third Wave: The Classic Study of Tomorrow

Editura: Bantam

Anul aparitiei: 1984

From the author of Future Shock, a striking way out of today's despair . . . a bracing, optimistic look at our new potentials. The Third Wave makes startling sense of the violent changes now battering our world. Its sweeping synthesis casts fresh light on our new forms of marriage and family, on today's dramatic changes in business and economics. It explains the role of cults, the new definitions of work, play, love, and success. It points toward new forms of twenty-first-century democracy. Praise for The Third Wave "Magnificent . . . an astonishing array of information."--The Washington Post "Imperishably fresh."--Business Week "Will mesmerize readers, and rightly so."--Vogue "Alvin Toffler . . . has written another blockbuster . . . a powerful book."--The Guardian "Fresh ideas, clearly explained. . . . Toffler has proven again that he is a master."--United Press International "Toffler has imagination and an ability to think of various future possibilities by transcending prevailing values, assumptions and myths."--Associated Press "Once you have walked into his version of the future, you may decide never again to whitewash some of the built-in frailties of the real ...


Future Shock

Pret: 86.00 RON
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Alvin Toffler

Future Shock

Editura: Bantam

Anul aparitiei: 1984

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - The classic work that predicted the anxieties of a world upended by rapidly emerging technologies--and now provides a road map to solving many of our most pressing crises. "Explosive . . . brilliantly formulated." --The Wall Street Journal Future Shock is the classic that changed our view of tomorrow. Its startling insights into accelerating change led a president to ask his advisers for a special report, inspired composers to write symphonies and rock music, gave a powerful new concept to social science, and added a phrase to our language. Published in over fifty countries, Future Shock is the most important study of change and adaptation in our time. In many ways, Future Shock is about the present. It is about what is happening today to people and groups who are overwhelmed by change. Change affects our products, communities, organizations--even our patterns of friendship and love. But Future Shock also illuminates the world of tomorrow by exploding countless clichés about today. It vividly describes the emerging global civilization: the rise of new businesses, subcultures, lifestyles, and human relationships--all of them temporary. Future Shock will ...


The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less

Pret: 125.00 RON
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Barry Schwartz (Author)

The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less

Editura: ECCO

Anul aparitiei: 2005

In the spirit of Alvin Toffler s Future Shock, a social critique of our obsession with choice, and how it contributes to anxiety, dissatisfaction and regret. This paperback includes a new P.S. section with author interviews, insights, features, suggested readings, and more.Whether we re buying a pair of jeans, ordering a cup of coffee, selecting a long-distance carrier, applying to college, choosing a doctor, or setting up a 401(k), everyday decisions--both big and small--have become increasingly complex due to the overwhelming abundance of choice with which we are presented.We assume that more choice means better options and greater satisfaction. But beware of excessive choice: choice overload can make you question the decisions you make before you even make them, it can set you up for unrealistically high expectations, and it can make you blame yourself for any and all failures. In the long run, this can lead to decision-making paralysis, anxiety, and perpetual stress. And, in a culture that tells us that there is no excuse for falling short of perfection when your options are limitless, too much choice can lead to clinical depression.In The Paradox of Choice, Barry Schwartz ...


Understanding Organizations

Pret: 705.00 RON
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Charles Handy (Author)

Understanding Organizations


Anul aparitiei: 1993

Charles Handy's revolutionary 1989 bestseller The Age of Unreason catapulted him into the ranks of the top management consultants. Now, in this new edition of his acclaimed study Understanding Organizations, he solidifies his reputation as a seminal business thinker, offering a brilliantly insightful, wide-ranging look at business organizations. Long a bestseller in the United Kingdom, this classic text offers an illuminating discussion of key concepts of concern to all managers: culture, motivation, leadership, power, role-playing and working in groups. Ever mindful of actual business practice, Handy directly addresses how managers can translate the six main concepts into invaluable tools for effective management. He discusses how all organizations need to select, develop and reward their people; to structure and design their work; to resolve political conflicts; to lay down guidelines for their managers; and to plan for the future. In each case, the approaches and techniques described here are invaluable. Equally important, Handy excels at presenting his ideas in colorful, immediately accessible ways, filling the book with illuminating examples and inventive metaphors that range ...


The Unbounded Mind: Breaking the Chains of

Pret: 346.00 RON
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Ian I. Mitroff (Author)

The Unbounded Mind: Breaking the Chains of Traditional Business Thinking


Anul aparitiei: 1995

Global markets, Japanese competition, the service economy, the sophisticated consumer--American business today faces challenges undreamed of just a few decades ago, and traditional approaches to corporate problems are becoming increasingly less effective. And yet, as the authors of The Unbounded Mind point out, MBA programs still preach--and thousands of American firms hold sacred--an antiquated system of business thinking that is wholly inadequate to the problems they face. In this groundbreaking work, two pioneering thinkers in business studies, Ian I. Mitroff and Harold A. Linstone, pinpoint the profound changes that must occur in the way business executives think, make decisions, and solve problems, if America is to remain competitive. They put forth a radically new approach--"new thinking"--and show executives exactly how to employ these special critical and creative tools to clear the hurdles businesses now face. Logic and rationality, they explain, are useful but limited. And traditional simplification often inhibits the ability to ask the right questions and recognize the true problem. But varying perspectives, multiple realities, and openness to multiple solutions are the ...


The Work and the Gift

Pret: 353.00 RON
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Scott Cutler Shershow (Author)

The Work and the Gift


Anul aparitiei: 2005

The Work and the Gift considers how working and giving are taken for opposites and revealed as each other's ghostly shadow. We ask ourselves, for instance, to work for a wage and a living, dooming ourselves forever to the curse of daily toil; and yet we imagine the magnum opus or the oeuvre as a labor of love. We ask ourselves to give with no thought of return; yet we still tell ourselves to give only to the deserving and only where our giving will do some good. Ranging from Marx and Derrida to Friedrich Hayek and Alvin Toffler, Scott Cutler Shershow here explores the predictions of political thinkers on both the left and the right that work is fundamentally changing, or even disappearing; the debates among anthropologists and historians about an archaic gift-economy that preceded capitalism and might reemerge in its wake; contemporary political battles over charity and social welfare; and attempts by modern and postmodern artists to destabilize the work of art as we know it. Ultimately, Shershow joins other contemporary thinkers in envisioning a community of unworking, grounded neither in ideals of production and progress, nor in an ethic of liberal generosity, but simply in our ...


The Protestant Establishment: Aristocracy and

Pret: 537.00 RON
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E. Digby Baltzell (Author)

The Protestant Establishment: Aristocracy and Caste in America


Anul aparitiei: 1987

This classic account of the traditional upper class in America traces its origins, lifestyles, and political and social attitudes from the time of Theodore Roosevelt to that of John F. Kennedy. Sociologist E. Digby Baltzell describes the problems of exclusion and prejudice within the community of white Anglo-Saxon Protestants (or WASPs, an acronym he coined) and predicts with amazing accuracy what will happen when this inbred group is forced to share privilege and power with talented members of minority groups. "The book may actually hold more interest today than when it was first published. New generations of readers can resonate all the more to this masterly and beautifully written work that provides sociological understanding of its engrossing subject."-Robert K. Merton, Columbia University "The documentation and illustration in the book make it valuable as social history, quite apart from any theoretical hypothesis. As such, it sketches the rise of the WASP penchant for country clubs, patriotic societies and genealogy. It traces the history of anti-Semitism in America. It describes the intellectual conflict between Social Darwinism and the environmental social science founded ...


Prosumer Revisited: Zur Aktualit T Einer Debatte

Pret: 404.00 RON
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Birgit Bl Ttel-Mink (Editor)

Prosumer Revisited: Zur Aktualit T Einer Debatte


Anul aparitiei: 2009

Amazon, ebay, Linux, MySpace, Youtube, Wikipedia: Seit Jahren wächst die Zahl partizipativer Internetplattformen, auf denen Konsumenten nicht nur eigene Inhalte einstellen und mit anderen teilen, sondern diese Plattformen auch selbst entwickeln und fortlaufend verbessern. Inzwischen hat diese Entwicklung sogar etablierte Märkte und Unternehmen erreicht, indem sich Konsumenten verstärkt an der Invention und Produktion neuer Sach- und Dienstleistungen aktiv beteiligen. Was diese Entwicklung sichtbar macht, ist ein Trend, den Alvin Toffler schon 1980 als das Aufkommen der Prosumenten bezeichnet hat: Konsumenten werden vermehrt zu Produzenten, Kunden werden zu externen, unbezahlten Mitarbeitern, die einen aktiven Beitrag zur unternehmensinternen Wertschöpfung leisten. Dabei ist dieser Trend nicht ganz neu, man denke nur an Selbstbedienung, Do-it-vourself und IKEA. Nur wie hat man sich dieses hybride Konstrukt aus Konsumenten und Produzenten genau vorzustellen? Sämtliche Beiträge in dem Band "Prosumer Revisited" greifen Tofflers Konzept auf, entwickeln es weiter und wenden es auf spezifische Fälle des Phänomens "Prosumismus" an.


Discarding the Saber: An Assessment of the Utility

Pret: 458.00 RON
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Mark J. Hovatter (Author)

Discarding the Saber: An Assessment of the Utility of the Phasing Construct in Operational Campaign Design

Editura: DELREY

Anul aparitiei: 2012

This monograph asserts that phasing as a tenet of operational art has outlived its usefulness. Phasing as a component of campaign design worked effectively in the industrial age of symmetrical opponents, but has lost its usefulness in the contemporary and future operational environment characteristic of the information age. The monograph uses three primary lenses; Toffler's Third Wave, systems theory, and complexity to analyze the phasing construct and determine its continued utility. Chapter One introduces the problems associated with modern phasing briefly, specifically citing the reality of the "three block war," and when phases overlap markedly in space and time. It then establishes the research questions and methodology for the rest of the monograph. Chapter Two traces the history of phasing and how it enters into the military operational vernacular. Beginning with Napoleon and Clausewitz and continuing through World War I, interwar World War II, into Vietnam and Air Land Battle, the monograph follows the uses of phasing and how the term has matured. More importantly, chapter two lays out the conditions in which phasing is effective, an industrial age, threat based ...


Doctrinal Lessons from Non-State Actors

Pret: 458.00 RON
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Robert A. Forte (Author)

Doctrinal Lessons from Non-State Actors


Anul aparitiei: 2012

The mode of warfare is changing. State on state conflict is no longer the primary approach to war. A phenomenon known as Gray Area War is on the rise. Gray Area War is defined as a conflict where at least one of the antagonists is a non-state entity and the method is combining elements of traditional war fighting with organized crime. This method of warfare is eclipsing state on state conflict. The world is changing at an alarming pace. Alvin and Heidi Toffler outline the cause of these changes and attribute them to the Third Wave. The Third Wave is built upon the information revolution and globalization. The shrinking world is causing fractures and divisions in many states throughout the world. Not only are states in decline, but so is the mode of warfare that states traditionally wage. Though state on state conflict is decline, warfare will continue. The new approach to warfare, Gray Area Warfare, has risen for many reasons. Fractured states are prime breeding ground for a disenfranchised population. The disenfranchised are susceptible to many messages of hope. The message becomes a rallying point for many followers to start a mass movement. The mass movement becomes the ...


Plenty of Room at the Bottom

Pret: 193.00 RON
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Ashok Bhowmick (Author)

Plenty of Room at the Bottom


Anul aparitiei: 2014

Plenty of Room at the Bottom is the author's humble accolade to Prof. Richard Feynman, whose pioneering thought could usher a new direction in modern science and establish a paradigm of new technology-the Nanotechnology! The book presents developments in the field through facts and figures, not as a science text, but as an emotive account to non-experts who constantly desire to know the latest about science and technology. It tries to portray the domain of nano from the perspective of a recent outlook of technology as put forward by Kevin Kelly, and its implication towards society thereby reiterating Alvin Toffler on his legendary anecdote of technology in our civilization. It is neither a review nor a roadmap but an attempt to sketch the inevitable acceleration of our civilization towards a new future. The author expresses very sincere gratitude to all the authors, researchers and scientists whose works have been discussed, highlighted and cited. The author regrets not being able to include many other important research works. However, he believes that the book will incite interested readers to find it for themselves. The author acknowledges the support and assistance of Mr. ...


Past Shock: The Origin of Religion and Its Impact

Pret: 102.00 RON
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Jack Barranger (Author)

Past Shock: The Origin of Religion and Its Impact on the Human Soul


Anul aparitiei: 1998

Twenty years ago, Alvin Toffler coined the term "future shock" - a syndrome in which people are overwhelmed by the future. Past Shock suggests that events that happened thousands of years ago very strongly impact humanity today. Our advanced science of today has unraveled their secrets, and people like Barranger have the knowledge and courage to expose exactly how we were manipulated.


The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less

Pret: 135.00 RON
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Barry Schwartz (Author)

The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less

Editura: ECCO

Anul aparitiei: 2016

In the spirit of Alvin Toffler's Future Shock, a social critique of our obsession with choice, and how it contributes to anxiety, dissatisfaction and regret. This paperback includes a new preface from the author.Whether we're buying a pair of jeans, ordering a cup of coffee, selecting a long-distance carrier, applying to college, choosing a doctor, or setting up a 401(k), everyday decisions--both big and small--have become increasingly complex due to the overwhelming abundance of choice with which we are presented.As Americans, we assume that more choice means better options and greater satisfaction. But beware of excessive choice: choice overload can make you question the decisions you make before you even make them, it can set you up for unrealistically high expectations, and it can make you blame yourself for any and all failures. In the long run, this can lead to decision-making paralysis, anxiety, and perpetual stress. And, in a culture that tells us that there is no excuse for falling short of perfection when your options are limitless, too much choice can lead to clinical depression.In The Paradox of Choice, Barry Schwartz explains at what point choice--the hallmark of ...


Hyperculture: The Human Cost of Speed

Pret: 537.00 RON
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Stephen Bertman (Author)

Hyperculture: The Human Cost of Speed


Anul aparitiei: 1998

The rampant illnesses of our society--including the disintegration of the family, the degradation of the environment, unlimited commercialism, and unrelenting stress--are familiar to us all. For the first time, Stephen Bertman attempts to explain these disparate, overwhelmingly negative phenomena with a single, unifying principle: that the accelerated pace of American society is eroding the essence of our most fundamental values. In 1970, Alvin Toffler identified a psycho-biological disease he called future shock caused by too much change in too short a time. Now Bertman daringly diagnoses an even more serious condition, hyperculture, a chronic warping of morals and ethics caused by America's addiction to speed. The treatment, he argues in this book, will require nothing less than a drastic slowdown--we must reassert control over the technologies that now dominate us in order to insure a humane future for our children and ourselves. We live, according to Bertman, in a society ruled by the power of now, a power that gives us instant gratification even as it demands our instantaneous obedience. As a result, we have adapted our lives and values to match the speed-of-light electronic ...


Flexible and Virtual Working: Life and Work 10.05

Pret: 141.00 RON
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Steve Shipside (Author)

Flexible and Virtual Working: Life and Work 10.05


Anul aparitiei: 2002

Fast track route to getting the most out of being a remote worker Covers all the key aspects of flexible and virtual working, from teleworking and telecommuting to groupware and virtual call centres Lessons and tips from some of the world's great remote work successes, such as AT&T and Lasair, and ideas from the smartest thinkers, including Alvin Toffler and Gil Gordon Includes a glossary of key concepts and a comprehensive resources guide ExpressExec is a unique business resource of one hundred books. These books present the best current thinking and span the entire range of contemporary business practice. Each book gives you the key concepts behind the subject and the techniques to implement the ideas effectively, together with lessons from benchmark companies and ideas from the world's smartest thinkers. ExpressExec is organised into ten core subject areas making it easy to find the information you need: 01 Innovation 02 Enterprise 03 Strategy 04 Marketing 05 Finance 06 Operations and Technology 07 Organizations 08 Leading 09 People 10 Life and Work ExpressExec is a perfect learning solution for people who need to master the latest business thinking and ...


Robopaths: People as Machines

Pret: 119.00 RON
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Lewis Yablonsky (Author)

Robopaths: People as Machines


Anul aparitiei: 2012

The robopaths are the people who pull the triggers at My Lai, Kent State, and Attica, make policy in Washington, and live next door. Dehumanized by regimentation, bureaucratization, and indiscriminate violence, they are growing more numerous in today's society. In this searing book, Lewis Yablonsky sees them as the outcome of the struggle between humanity and its technological servants-whether computers, automobiles, or H-bombs. Like Charles Reich and Alvin Toffler, Yablonsky doesn't claim to have any ultimate answers. But he does believe that clues have been offered by various group approaches to human interaction, such as Synanon, psychodrama, and the hippie counterculture. These clues may point the way to the refashioning of our plastic society-a refashioning that will make people both more human and more humane.

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